

Tax Facts 2024/25


Tax Facts 2024/25

This page was last updated on March 12, 2024

Our Tax Facts summary for the tax year 2024/25 gives all the rates and deadlines and is current according to the date shown on this page. 

It also reflects the announcements in The Chancellor’s Budget on 6 March 2024.

Other helpful resources

You may also find the following resources helpful:

A summary of the Chancellor’s 2024 Spring Budget


Can we help?

Please do get in touch with your usual Shipleys’ contact if you need any further advice or call one of our offices.

London – t: +44 (0)20 7312 0000 – e: advice@shipleys.com

Godalming – t: +44 (0)1483 423607 – e: godalming@shipleys.com

Specific advice should be obtained before taking action, or refraining from taking action, in relation to this summary. If you would like advice or further information, please speak to your usual Shipleys contact.

Copyright © Shipleys LLP 2024

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